15. Singin

They is all a bit weird.  They sing to me.  She started it, wiv a stoopid song about ‘my dog is the greatest dog that the world’s ever seen’.  There is no choon, it came from a moosical birthday card which is ridickerless in itself.  Also, she cannot sing to save her life.  Still does it though (and when Sista 1 was a tiny puppy, she used to cry when she sang to her – I totes get that but wouldn’t do it myself because it is ROOD.  And I am not a ROOD dog). 

There’s a song by a band called the Jumpers or the Pullovers or the Cardigans or somefing (wot is on a TV ad at the moment) which go ‘love me love me say that you love me’ and she sing this one too.  I qwuite like that one becoz it is all about MEEEEE.

Sista 2 invented ‘Jammie Tammie’ wot is an ABBA song I fink to do wiv money (she sing ‘Tammie Tammie Tammie must be jammy in a Labby world’ – don’t fink Agnetha, Benny, Bjorn or the other one would reckernise it if I am qwite honest). 

The Beatles woz a famous band long before I was even born.  She sing me one of of their choons, I fink it is called ‘All You Need is Labs, Labs, Labs, Labs Is All You Need’.  Troo fact dat, Labs is all you need.

She also sing ‘Stand by your Tam, stand by your Tam’ – would be better if she sat by her Tam and cuddled me I fink.  And ‘in a tavern, in a banyan, escalating for a vine, lived a whiner with a shiner and his Labbidor, oh my darling crocodile’.  She quite insane.

She like someone called David Boooeee, wot is dead (poor David Boooeee).  Today she listenin to somefing called Piggy Stardust where he sing about a ‘cat from Japan’.  That stoopid, shame he did not meet ME.  But he do a song called Diamond Dogs, that one much better.  A diamond collar would look good on ME.

When she go out in the car without me I sit on the kitchin window seat so I can put dog snot on the windows (harhar).  EVRY time she come back she sing ‘how much is that doggie in the window the one with the waggly tail’.  Like I said earlier, I is the L’Oreal dog: I is worth it.

Then she go all opera on me – starts singing ‘beat out that rhythm on a Lab, beat out that rhythm on a Lab’ while patting my tummy to a choon from Carmen Jones, wot is an opera based on another opera.  Culture, innit.

Did I menshun she can’t sing?  Sounds reely reely dredful, but I has to suck it up coz she mean well.  Sumtimes I covers my ears…. And she fink that is really sweet but ackshewally is coz she might STFU and then I might get a biccie.